Monday, August 8, 2011

first time

when you reach a certain age you don't get very many 'first' or big 'firsts' at that....but Saturday I got to do a big 'first' and I loved it. :)

I had to fill out a survey and on the survey was one of those standard questions:

Do you: Rent, Own, Lease or Other Your home.

I'm used to Renting or other....but I stopped with a slight jolt and with a huge smile on my face got to circle OWN I own a home. (yes the bank technically own it...but for all intents and purposes its ours!).

It was very exciting for me. :)


  1. That is an awesome moment!! Congrats :0-)

  2. Insert a squeal and clapping. I'm so happy for you!

  3. Haha! I bet that was awesome! Congratulations!
