Monday, August 15, 2011

Favorite times of day....

I have two favorite times of day. The half hour I get up before the rest of the house....yes my eyes are still half shut, my feet drag on the floor like they are made from cement and I'm probably the sight with bed head, a half tied bath robe and me itching my backside for no reason other then that's what one does with the one working hand....for all I know I could be trying to itch my head or shoulder but my arm is still sleeping enough and my body not awake enough to notice what is being scratched. So you must wonder why this is one of my favorite times, because the house is absolutely silent, I can hear every thought in my head....its the part of the day I can say to myself - I will be a better person today - and its quiet enough for myself to hear. I can say my prayers in absolute peace and listen for those few minutes for my answers and peace. Its nice. When I am able to again, I will probably extend this time and put in a little work out time for me, myself and baby-belly. :D

Now dont' get me wrong, I live for the organized chaos that is my family....I mean how could you not! :) but I do enjoy that half hour of just me!

Second favorite time of day...between seven pm and around ten pm. Between seven and eight the girls are ready for bed, homework done, showers done, jammies on, hair and teeth brushed and all is quiet cause they are either watching a movie, coloring or playing around in their rooms...once they go to bed at eightish until tenish, its me and hubby time. We watch movies or peruse the Internet, or he will play with tanner while I read my book. We talk about important things and non-important things. Laugh with each other or talk about an issue we had with each other during the day. Or just simply be, he still lets me snuggle up close to him and lay all over him even though I'm sure I cut off circulation and then complain that its too hot. :) we can lay around for an hour like that....just doing nothing but enjoy being together. I love it. I love all the one on one time we spend together, I can never get enough of that time with him and hope it last through out this lifetime and the next.

I hope and pray for my children to find someone to love and love them as much as their daddy and I do each other...I wish everyone that. It really is one of the greatest blessings Heavenly Father has ever let us have and I'm grateful he has allowed me to experience it!

so there you have it - my two favorite times of day.


  1. I love this! I'm so glad you're happy and found someone you love and loves you so much!

  2. You deserve every moment of those happy times!
