Thursday, May 26, 2011


I know its only Thursday...but can I tell you how excited I am that it will be the weekend soon and that it will be a three day weekend!! woot woot!!!!

We plan on having a BBQ at our house on Saturday, invited the fam and some that should be fun.

I'm just excited to have that one extra day...a day with no doctor appts, no school work to do, no running around doing necessary errands...just a carefree day of family and relaxation. Just hope the weather gets better.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

cool thought!

I was watching a show the other day and usually don't pay much attention to the commercials but one caught my attention and I absolutely love this idea!

Google had a commercial where the parents set up an email account for their child, as the child grew up they would email special thoughts, letters, pictures and videos of their child and their thoughts about the child to them. So when they grew up they would have all these memories ready for them in a digital diary/baby book/photo album kind of thing. I thought it was the coolest idea ever!

With so many things digital now I have a hard time remembering to get my pictures printed and then put them in books to begin with. I think about writing my kids letters or writing down a thought or proud moment for/to them. what a better way then to put it in an account all clustered together ready for them! its compact, can be taken/accessed almost anywhere and they can have it for a life time. Kids these days are more technical now anyhow.

So this weekend...I am starting four email for each of my lovely children and I will start emailing them periodically. So when they grow up they will know why I was such a hard nose on them and that even if though I try my hardest to show them all the time...I come up short in the 'I hope you know how much I love you' department and hope to convey that as well.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Never thought

When you become a parent, you expect to give your children various types of talks throughout their childhood... Attitude talk, Responsibility talk, Stranger danger talk, Puberty talk, Making important decisions talk....I'm sure there are many many more. Never in my time as a mother did I think I was going to have to tell my children the Family Danger talk.

The twins biological mother has been in and out of the twins life for the past six years...more out then in. She stopped coming for visitations at the end of January and we haven't heard from her since. We get various tidbits of her life from her grandparents but that's about it. We heard the other day that she is planning on moving out of state...and that she might attempt to take her children with her. Yes, that would be the twins and possibly the other little girl she had taken away. I had to sit the girls down this morning (including Juliet) and tell them that under no circumstances are they to get into any ones car except mine, daddy's or granna's. I had to tell them if she did come and talk to them that they were to go to the office or a teacher and tell them that someone was trying to take them, that if they did go with her they may never come home.

Can I tell you it literally breaks my heart and angers me beyond belief that I had to tell them that. That I had to tell them that a person who instinctively they are programed to want to go to is a danger, that a person who says they love and care for them can and will be a danger to them and to stay away at all cost. I even went as far as to tell them not to get into any of her family members cars (including the grandparents)...they love and trust these people and here I am having to tell them 'nope, they are not to be trusted' and go as far as to threaten them with 'you may not come home if you do go with them' to scare them into realization of how serious it is.

Its sad that a "mother" can do that to them. How dare she! How dare she put me on constant watch and on edge, how dare she make me teach the children they can't trust anyone, how dare she be so selfish. I will never understand this and frankly I'm pass the point of wanting to try to understand.

I just never thought I would have to have that talk.....never

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I've decided

I should probably not go out at lunch anymore. Its like a huge tease. I get to hear the birds, feel the mix of the sun and spring breeze, smell flowers blooming and fresh cut grass. I enjoy an hour of all this plus the added benefit of seeing my most wonderful husband and enjoy his company and then.....I walk back into my office. No windows, poorly circulated air, case files piled everywhere and voice mails waiting.

Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely thankful for my job and that for the most part I enjoy it....but being outside on days like this is one hundred times better! O well.

Back to work. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011



X = Bethanie's Face
Y = Clarinet Case
Z = Rate at which child with clarinet case swinging in circles

X+Y x the force of Z =


Thursday, May 5, 2011

so nice

Spring is DEFINITELY in the air. The air is cool in the morning, the sun is shining, the birds are up and chipper and the kids are getting summer fever they are already asking to go the water park.

Its going to be a great spring/summer! Lets hope the baby doesn't make me too hot. ;)