Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Name Dropper

Ever heard of a name dropper? Ever have to talk to one?

I had a person call me the other day and ask me where their card was. We have already sent out several cards to this member and for some reason they are just not getting to her. Anyway, I keep telling her all I can do is request for another one to be sent out. I verify her address, make sure there's not special on and so forth.

she then tells me she's already talked to her good friend Harry, then she pauses for dramatic effect....and then says, you know Harry Reed.

Um and?!

Apparently this upset her that I was not impressed that she was friends with Harry Reed. She then starts dropping other names, like I'm suppose to know or even care who these people are.

I go back to telling her all I can do is to have the card requested again. Then she says that she can have so and so (one of the afore mentioned names I neither know or care about) pick it up from our office and bring it to her. ....

One: the cards come from our insurance company in CA, not no can do.
Two: if these people are as big as she seems to think they are, they are NOT going to pick up her card and hand deliver it to her...its just not done.
Three: I don't, nor have I ever, been intimidated by name droppers or by the actual people those names go with. I'm doing my job correctly and if you want to waste their time and send them down then by all means, please do so....I'm not the one that will look bad.

I basically said those few things to her in a round about much nicer way. She finally got the point and will now wait patiently for her card to arrive in the mail.


  1. ha ha! what an idiot! i hate it when people

  2. I was watching this comedy the other night, and this guy says to his customer. "I'm right and you're wrong." I so want to say that to people sometimes!:) But I can't because I value my job. Darn it.
