Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another Gym Story...

I go to the gym at least four times a week. I take a spinning classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a weight lifting class on Wednesdays and Fridays. I LOOOOVE the weight lifting classes and HATE the spinning classes. My good friend who goes with me is the its good that we go together because we make each other go to the classes we each can't stand.

In spinning there is a group of ladies that all collect in the corner. At first I wondered why they all liked that corner so much...maybe it because there is an extra fan over there, maybe its because they can chit chat while they are biking (although if you ask me, if you are doing the class correctly you shouldn't be able to talk...but that's just me), but neither is the answer to why they like the corner. I figured it out yesterday.

there is a small table in the very corner behind the bikes. They are able to put their cups of coffee on the table and reach it while on the bike...yes you read that correctly! They sip their coffee while biking...

does anyone else see an issue with this? or is it just me? aren't' you suppose to refuel with water...not a sugary, caffeinated hot drink? And why are you not working out hard enough where you are able to gossip and sip coffee....this is not social hour, this is sweat until you bleed hour. If you want to drink coffee and catch up, go to a, um I don' t know....A COFFEE SHOP!!!!

ok. I'm done complaining. I could be just saying this because I'm super jealous that all these woman look fabulous while doing nothing and probably brag to their non gym going buddies that they broke a sweat this morning in spinning, while I'm on my bike, not only breaking a sweat but drenching in it, gasping for air, face read, legs trembling and still chubby.

its my lot in life and I accept it but doesn't mean I have to like it...or them!


  1. I just don't see how you can bicycle and drink coffee at the same time without getting a stomach ache! It's making my tummy hurt just thinkin' about it.

    Silly women.

  2. that's so crazy. i would be way to hot to want anything like that. i'd want ice water.
