Tuesday, October 14, 2008


5 Things...

5 Shows I Watch
1. Supernatural
2. Big Bang Theory (I also LOVE this one!)
3. Hero’s
4. Sara Conner Chronicles
5. Fringe

Now mind you, we don’t’ have cable so these are the shows I either have the series on DVD or I get in static on my sometimes channel two……But they would be the same I think. :)

5 Favorite Restaurants
1. Kim Lee’s
2. Olive Garden
3. Red Lobster
4. Melting Pot
5. Roundtable (for the pizza buffet! I know fancy!)

5 Things that Happened Yesterday
1. Went to work.
2. Made an awesome pasta dish…LOVED IT
3. Said good bye to Jason who left for another 2 weeks.
4. Watched some supernatural
5. Played with Juliet, the cat and the dog.

5 Things I look forward to
1. Starting a cake making business.
2. Christmas
3. Disneyland in March!!! HECKS YA!!!!
4. Hopefully having more children
5. The day Jason doesn’t have to leave town to work and can come home every night. :)

5 things I love about the fall
1. Crunching leaves
2. Changing colors
3. Thanksgiving and Christmas
4. Black Friday
5. The cold

5 things on my wish list
1. A home job for Jason
2. More babies
3. To learn to play the piano
4. For my cakes to do well
5. Watch my children grow old and be happy, while Jason and I grow old happily.

5 important things to me
1. My husband
2. My Child
3. The gospel and my sticks (meaning scriptures)
4. My Bro’s and Didders and parental units
5. My grasp on reality (don’t’ always have it but it’s important when I do. :) )

5 people I tag
I’m suppose to tag people but no one really reads my blogs….so I guess I would tag Grandma, Ruth and Mom. Maybe I will post this on my myspace and see who plays along. :)


  1. Nicely done. You could tag me and I could pretend to do it again:) Love ya.

  2. Logan Family est 2003October 15, 2008 at 1:18 PM

    Maura, I found you through Deborah, hope you don't mind us snooping :). How is everything going for you guys? It looks like you moved to CC, do you miss whore town (opps, I mean moundhouse)? Where are you guys living? How is life going? How is Juliet doing? Well, enough of the third degree, Feel free to check out our blog. TTYL. Aprill
