Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An ode to a sister.

So we all have sisters in our lives, wither they were born in or just super good friends who have become our sudo-sisters. I am fortunate enough to have several sisters and a couple of brothers. It makes it a lively bunch when we all get together as well as a real network of support and love. I love them all dearly, but one particular sister has helped me out greatly lately. I will not say her name but I am sure she knows who she is. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my family with a passion I would do anything for them. But sometimes you lean on one more then you lean on another and sometimes that leaning post changes. So today I would like to say thank you to this particular sibling with a little poem. I tried my hand at it, so I don't' know how it will turn out but I hope it gets my point across.

A Sister, An Angel
by: Maura Duke

What could be said about you or to you
To let you know how much you mean
I could call you loving, smart, a real friend, which are all true
I could tell you, you are a light, a guide, a rock on which to lean

But would it be enough dear sister
Would you understand, grasp or comprehend
That being your sister is a gift, a blessing and honor
that you are more then a rock, a blessing, a friend

You are without a doubt
An honest to goodness Angel
Put here for me, to help me out
And life without you would be sad, lonely and fickle

You lift my spirits, made me want to do better
You help me see, but not just me - everyone around you
You bring peace and love through your smile, a word or a letter
How many can do that? Let me tell you sister - very few!

So I ask you again
My dearest sister, my Angel
Can you understand or even comprehend
The sheer love I have for you, how grateful

So thank you dear one
Those tiny words do nothing for what I feel
For all you have done
You helped me live, you helped me heal

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My Sister, My Angel.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have a sister just like that too!:) Gosh, aren't we lucky to have awesome sibs? I don't know what we did to have it so good.

    PS. That was beautiful beyond description. You did well with your poetry. It's a funny creature, this poetry thing. You can make it rhyme, or not rhyme. Just as long as it has raw emotion it's poetry. You should write some more.

    Love you.
