Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our new digs

So most of you know that I have moved. We now live back in Carson City. Just wanted to post a pic or two of what our new digs look like.

This is our house.

This is the side/extra room, it has it's own door.

Wahooo. a front yard....WITH GRASS!!!!!!

 can see into the dining room and then into the living room. This is from the door that leads to the extra room.

another pic of the kitchen...I like kitchens. :)

Duh a I said. I like kitchens......

Dining room. The Window in there is HUGE and faces the front yard. Perfect for a Christmas Tree.

Living room.

Guest bathroom. It has the washer and dryer, two sinks and beautiful tile floor.

Rebekah's bedroom.

I didn't take pics of my or Juliets room......but they look like rooms. hehe.

Hope you all get a chance to come visit soon. I totally love it and already feel like I've lived there for a long time!

short but sweat this time kids. (as Deborah would say) Catch ya on the flip side....


  1. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I love it! December can't come fast enough:) And you have mature trees? So nice. I love it. Yay!:)

  2. looks nice. we should get together sometime now that you don't live "so far away"

  3. hahahah I found you! Just kidding. Okay so I found Allison Roylances blog, from there I found Kerri Lawsons blog,from there I found Melissa,from there I found Deborah and now I have found you. Hooray. Did you buy the home or are you renting? What else have you been up to. We are coming to visit in November. Juliet is getting so big. How old is she now. she is so Beautiful

  4. We are renting. the beauty of the can find anyone. :)

    Its wonderful to hear from you. I hope to see you when you get here. Gosh...three kids...thats crazy.

    Juliet is 3 going on 16! :)
