Thursday, July 21, 2011

so I've been asked a few times for various pictures of me. I sometimes have a hard time posting pics of me, because although I have worked super hard to bring my weight down, it still surprises me to see that I'm not where I want to be...and of course being preggers, its just piling back on again. Its an inner struggle that I fight everyday and don't think it will end. But we all have our struggles...this is one of mine.

so here be some pictures of me. The first one my adorable husband took for me. I asked him if it looked ok after he took it, he walked over, put his arms around me kissed me and said...its a picture of you, its better then ok. Insert grin and blushing. :) yes, he still makes me blush.

The second picture is of me just yesterday. I was walking pass the mirror and realized my tummy looked more baby then pudgy so decided it would be a good photo opp. :)

So there you have it. I'm sure I will post more when I feel more comfortable with it....or the demand keeps up. :)
p.s. sorry they are so small. I took them with my phone.


  1. I definitely think you look pregnant and NOT pudgy in both pictures. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing...even if we don't feel so beautiful while doing it.

    Brian is so sweet! :)

  2. You look fantastic Maura! Try not to worry about the baby weight too much, you have all the tools you need in order to get back where you want to be once baby boy is born. Enjoy that beautiful belly while you can!

  3. Maura you are truely stunning! more pictures please!
