Thursday, July 14, 2011


My three girls have way different personalities. Juliet likes to be boss and in the lime light but can be shy when first introduced into something. Bethanie is soft spoken, a people watcher and likes to do what her sisters are doing. Breana takes things on full force with out trepidation or shyness and will pretty much do anything you suggest will be fun. And they all love or dislike each other at various points in the day with equalness which can make my head spin since one minute they are getting along and the next they are ganging up on one or the other and being of the same age....I can only imagine the dynamics are going to get more interesting and "fun" to watch.

(Side note: Juliet picks a different career every day. Monday she wanted to be a construction worker cause they get to use the outside potties, Last week she wanted to be an astronaut because there is a possibility of running into an alien. hehe)

The following conversation happened in our car on our daily commute to Carson:

Juliet: I want to be a teeth doctor
Me: those are called Dentists
Juliet: I want to be a Dentist
Breana: not me I want to be a teacher (she folds her arms and turns her head...just to make sure they knew she was most definitely picking something different)
Bethanie: Well I want to be a Dentist too
Breana and Juliet look at Bethanie like how is that going to work, cause heaven forbid two of them pick the same thing to be when they grow up...when Juliet gets an 'aw-ha' look on her face.
Juliet: Then you can just come work in my shop!
Bethanie: uuuuuuuummmm......ok. (with a big smile)

hmmmm........I giggled to myself and let them work out the details of this venture they were going to create. That conversation totally displayed all of their personalities. It was kinda fun to watch.


  1. Love it! Your girls crack me up :0-))

  2. That was an awesome conversation. They are going to laugh some day. My favorite part was that Juliet called a dentist's office a shop. :)
