Friday, December 12, 2008


I type my little fingers off, thinking if I can type faster magically the time will fallow my lead... '2:30' I think...'only 2 and 1/2 hours left, better type faster'. I answer a call they man talks about his bird, his shoes and his latest medical procedure and finally comes to his question. I answer with straining patience, then he asks 'what time is it sweetheart' I look at the clock convinced its gotta be 5...but no its only 2:45, there's now way that conversation only took 15 minutes. I hang up, take a deep breath and begin my race against my own clock. What will I win - a big helping of disappointment, when I look at the clock and its only 3:15. ' ok something has gotta be wrong here' I get up and go over to my co workers desk...nope 3:15 there too. Both of us must be stuck in this twilight zone time standstill.

I march back to my desk and get another call. This time its a woman talking about her daughter, her half witted neighbour and her latest medical procedure. I get alot of people who feel it necessary to talk about their medical procedures. We talk in circles for what seems like and hour, then she says "maybe I should call back on Monday, you are almost out of there" 'Wait, What? Can it be, can it be 5pm' I think with giddy excitement that can only be experienced on Friday afternoons....I look at the clock....'no this can't be, this can't be right? how can the clock seriously have no 5's on it...why does it only say 3:49' I think, almost out load. "no" I tell the member "I can help you, we are here for an hour longer" I almost cry at he prospect of it all. I finally get off the phone knowing for sure this time I would have warped out of the Bermuda triangle of time and back to the real world where 5 eventually gets here!

No, only 4:10. I have a metal picture of me screaming and pulling out my hair while a million clocks forever tick at 4:50pm. This really isn't happening and goodness knows I would not be blogging if it were, but it seemed real for the crazed full minute I looked at the clock desperately trying wrap my brain around the fact that I still had an HOUR to go.

oh another call...please no more medical procedures, please no crazy neighbours or deadbeat children. Please clock go, go, go. Why cant' you go. Who's cruel cosmic joke is this. I hope someone is having a good laugh at this one....because I'm not!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You made it out of the Twilight zone! Don't you hate days like that?
