Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Can you believe it?

Its going to be 2009 in less then 11 hours! Can you believe it? What a whirlwind of a year. We laughed, we cried, we screamed, we hurt and healed, we saw and loved, we lost and gained, we learned and made mistakes; and through it all we seemed to find ourselves scarred and bruised but loved and healing. We found out how much we can take and how much we are truly capable of.

Will we look back on 2008 and say this was the best year of our lives? maybe not, maybe so....probably not. It was a good year but we can always make the next one better....which brings us to the dreaded new years resolution....whats mine you ask? to lose weight? to better my credit? to have more kids? to buy a home? all very nice but we never know what will happen. What I do know is that I can in some way make this year a little better then last. I can laugh more, I can be a better friend, I can let go of negative things that hold me down, I can take 10 minutes out of everyday and truly appreciate what I've been given, I can brighten someones day by taking the extra time. So that's what I plan on doing...what do you plan on doing?

well whatever it is, lets remember who we are and what we stand for, remember that we are loved and always remember to smile.


1 comment:

  1. I totally love that you make resolutions that you know you can keep. Mine is to read my scriptures more. So last night at 11 I'm lying in bed going, "Oh man...I haven't read yet." It was so tempting to just roll over and fall asleep before I could feel guilty. But I didn't and I was proud of myself for it.

    Love you!!!!!!!
