Thursday, November 20, 2008

You did WHAT?!?!?!

We all remember our little crushes on the playground, our school yard banter between boys and girls trying to persuade or astound the opposite sex with talk of things we thought we knew about. Who could forget that? And when did that start....3rd, 4rth grade?

Well today I was shocked out of my wits. In fact, so shocked that I almost drove my car off the road, as it was I had to jerk it back into the lane I was in. Here is the following conversation between Juliet and I. My words will be in peach and Juliets words will be in light blue.

So did you have a good day?
What did you do?
I played outside and shared the swings
Great! good job for sharing
And I played with Jacob and Emily
They are in your class?
Ya, Jacob is always the last one inside
Oh, well that can happen.
Ya, mommy guess what?
What baby?
Today Jacob kissed me, ya we got married by the swing, under the slide and then he kissed me.

Insert skidding tires, jackets flying around the car and me gasping and then

You did?
Ya, and then we went inside.
K hunny, you can't be doing that anymore k? It's nice that you play with Jacob, but you can't be kissing him
Oh....only mommies and daddies do that?
Ya! thats it only mommies and daddies do that.
oh...ok, so then we went inside and painted.

So not only has my daughter beaten the curve by knocking the usual schoolyard 'married' scene down to pre-k, but pretty sure she orchestrated the whole thing....she is, I have no doubt, the one that told him to marry her and then give her a kiss! My goodness.

Well there you go. I definitely have to keep this story in my journal because this will be nice to tell her when she is 18..."your first kiss was Jacob and you were THREEEEEEEE!!!!! and you gave me a heart attack!"

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