Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not on my scale......

A few weeks ago my mom, sister and I signed up for the great American weight loss challenge. You get a free month at the gym and all these eating/health tips. Every week you have to weigh in to find out if we have lost anything. Well I started out at not such a great number....well let me rephrase that... the number was great, as in HUGE, but it wasn't the number I would like to have seen.

So I went about my week, waking up at the bumcrack of dawn (and yes in my world dawn does have a bumcrack!) getting Juliet ready and heading my not-so-happy behind to the gym. I worked out something fierce and have been rather good on my eating habits. So Marina and I go back to the gym to weigh in. Ok before we went, I did a little weigh in on my home scale to see where I would be. In the time it took us to drive from my house to the gym, their scale is telling me that I gained 3 pounds. Are you kidding me? Ya right!

I was thourally disgusted and promptly went home and ate a big ol piece of cake. I mean if their scale is going to say I weight 3 more pounds then I should then by gosh I am going to live up to that....

Of course the next morning I doubled timed my exercises because I realized what a doofus mistake that was. Now I had to pay for my little fit by stiarmastering the cake away. O well lesson learned. Don't eat your emotions and go by your own scale and not some skinny airheads scale.

But no I'm not bitter. :)

1 comment:

  1. at least you jump right back onto the stairmaster. Keep up the good work and when we see you next month I just might not recognize and hugs
