Tuesday, September 30, 2008

6 years gets me.....

I went to the dentist last week. The first time in a little over 6 years. I decided to go because I had one tooth that was really bothering me and I have this fear of my teeth falling out and me looking back country. Plus Juliet needed to go to the dentist so I made her appointment and both my dentist and eye appointment all on the same day. Who knew going to the doctors all day could be so exhausting (personally I think it was all the money that kept needing to be paid....that does make me tired).

So what does waiting 6 years get me? Well how about 5 cavities that need to be filled, 4 wisdom teeth that need to be pulled, a front tooth that has died and now needs a root canal and a little over $2,000 dollars in work....thank goodness for insurance!!!! But I get a free night guard....that's nice right?

so there you have it. I don't know if waiting the 6 years actually caused all of those things or if they would have had to happen anyway, but now I have dentist procedures lined up from now until next July. Oh how fun!!!!


  1. Hey cool! Free stuff:) How did Juliet handle going to the doc?

  2. She did wonderfully. Didn't even cry or nothing. Was a litte uneasy about it at first but by the end she was all for it. :)
