Monday, September 15, 2008


Ok. so for those of you who read my blog but don't post....this time I need you too. I am looking for names for if I were to open up a cake shop...what should it be called.

I will take some of the suggestions and do a survey.

let me know.

thanks everyone.



  1. hummm let me think...
    L'Aroma Bakery
    The Sweet Shack by Maura
    The Cake Shop
    Grannie's Cakes
    If I think of more I will post them for here are some for starters.

  2. Those are good ones Grandma. Mine were
    Have You Cake and Eat It Too
    Let Them Eat Cake

    I'll keep thinking about it too. I feel creatively dehydrated. So I'll get back to you on that.

  3. awsome. I love the names so far.....keep them coming. :) ask around to friends and family too. :)

    the more thoughts the better!

  4. sweet cakes!
    the cake depot
    the cakery
    kiss the cake
    just eat it!
    i can't think of any other names right now.
