Monday, October 18, 2010

Its gotta a what on its head?

The following conversation happened the other morning while I was in the bathroom curling my hair and the girls had a few moments to play before school.

Bethanie: Its a horse

Juliet: no its a unicorn

Breana: nooooo its a horse!

Bethanie: YA!

Juliet: no, you know hows I can tell....its gotta a corn on its head


Breana and Bethanie: ....oh.

I just about died laughing. They sounded so serious in there mythical creature debate and really...I can see where they would think unicorns would have corns to differ them from horses. I got me some smart cookies. :D


  1. HAHAHAH!!!! Oh my Gawsh! This is fantastic!

  2. I remember being a kid and thinking a gypsy (I pronounced it guy-spy) was a secret agent that was assigned specifically to men.
