Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ask and ye shal recieve...

My previous post was me freaking out about child care! well yesterday I got a call back from the school letting me know that they have a special program through the boys and girls club. They can be registered there at 5 if they are registered at Sun Vally Elementary. Awesome... then I get a text from my sister who says she's got a friend who can do it as well. Nice.

so I have a main plan and a back up plan. Yes!

Then I start chatting up the school lady...and she tells me that they have uniforms this year! hallelujah! I am all for uniforms. I think all schools should be in uniforms. Yes children should be able to express themselves but if we take away the ability to express through hoochie shorts and baggy pants then maybe these kids would start expressing through art, music or writing. I fully believe on putting everyone on a level playing field, make everyone equal and then go from there. It will be far easier for everyone to come in and know they are wearing the same things and not be judged on clothes, name brands and style.

So all in all....I'm a happy mom so far. We will see what the school year has in store for me. Last year I was preparing one child to go to kindergarten. Now I'm getting ready to see three start their little lives off as big girls. I won't lie....its going to kill me! I'm going to be a wreck!

1 comment:

  1. I canNOT believe they are starting school already. I remember when Juliet was BORN!! I remember getting the call in the middle of the night! Gosh, I'm going to be a wreck. Good luck! ;)
