Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year

Its been a crazy 2009. Lots of ups and downs! I think I've grown more in this last year then I have in the last 10 years.

I've been crushed, brought down to my knees, humbled and lifted up by this crazy thing called life. I can tell you though out of absolute misery comes the greatest joys! sometimes it takes time to find them or for it to find you and sometimes it comes out of nowhere when you thought you couldn't go any farther, when you thought you might as well roll over and give up because what could possibly be worth any of it. Heavenly Father, in his loving way, shows you just how worth it, it can all be.

I'm happy and I think this is going to be one of the best years ever! Happy 2010


  1. that all sounds great. by the way, where have you been, lately? i've been missing you!
