Monday, April 27, 2009

What was I thinking?

Two weekends ago, my good friend asked me if I would come help her with her daughters sleepover. Juliet and I were both invited and I thought it would be fun time for Juliet cause of all the little girls she could play with and me because I got to hang out with my friend.


It was 18 hours (minus the 6 hours they slept) of pure chaos. Load screaming, minor meltdowns, messes to clean up, snacks to hand out, activities to do to keep them busy...well you see my point.

They seriously went all day! They got there at 3-4 finally went to sleep at midnight and were up joke....6:20 AM.

By the time the last girl left. Crystal and I could barely keep our eyes open....exhausted beyond breaking point!

I drove home from Dayton to Carson wondering the whole time how I ever had that much energy and how the hecks I was going to get that energy back. Don't know if I ever will but it would be nice. ;)

Pretty sure Juliet will either not have a sleepover until she is 12 and they can entertain themselves or there will be only 2-3 girls...NOT 7!

But it was fun after all was said and done. Juliet had tons of fun and I got to hang out with my buddy!


  1. wow, i can't even imagine. the closest we've ever gotten to a sleepover is having a cousin or three over for the night.

  2. hahahahha, brings back memories, welcome to motherhood. Also giving the girls memories to carry to adulthood, sleep overs are great if you have adult chaperones who really truly keep things under control and will let kids be kids.

    love you lots.
