Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wahoo its here.

Last weekend I went to Costco and bought the Nutrisystem. Its 35 days of 3 meals and 1 dessert/snack. I chose this system for a couple of reasons one: it tells me what to eat and when. I dont' have to figure out my points or count calories or any whoha like that. I like the fact that I am being told what to eat. I mean giving me a choice was how I got in this situation in the first place. I need to be re-trained to know what appropriate portions are and what kinds of food should be the norm in my life. Two: I don't have to go to any meetings or meet with some skinny counselor who gets to watch me humiliate myself by stepping on the scale or having the dreaded measuring tape wrapped around me. I don't have to talk about my feelings of why I think I eat so much.....just because I like food. Why does there have to be issues? And I don't have to listen to other peoples stories. If I wanted to know I would have asked. :)

I like that I can go to my box every day and pick 4 items and then my fruit bowl, pick 1 or 2 of those and that is what I am allowed for they day. I like that I can track my progress on line and if I am in a sharing mood I can go to a chat forum there.

This will be good for me, this and the fact that I get up to go the gym at 5am now so I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day!

We will see what ends up. It will take me several months to get the rest of my weight off, but I had hit a plateau and needed something. This I'm sure will help. :)


  1. Good for you for finding something that will work for you and YAY for getting up so early to work out! Talk about dedication. I thought about you this morning at 6:30 when I was cursing Tyler for making me get up so early. And I thought, "Oh, she's been at the gym for half an hour now."

  2. double yeah for you, I have been tossing around ordering the program off of the puter, but I was not too sure about it. It will work for you, several years ago, yep, hahaha, I went into the office when they had a branch in Carson City and I followed it and I lost over 60 lbs on it and I actually got down to a size 10 with that program, but alas with age and time here I am now. but between you and me, size 10 was too hard to maintain but it felt good for a bit, I settled into a size 14 for many years until I started growing again after we moved to Las Vegas and I was frustrated and hated Vegas. kudos to you for the gym and doing what you can now. love and hugs going your way. I am way proud of you.
    love you
