Thursday, March 19, 2009

St..who's day?

Juliet and Eric were very excited for St. Patricks day. They got all dressed up in green, made sure they knew the rules about pinching those who did not where green...but not to hard! :)

But I think there was a little bit of a misunderstanding. Both were very excited for the lovable but usually not overly celebrated holiday, and I understood why when Juliet and I were going to the store to get some green cookies and she asked me when spongbob day was....

see they both thought it was Patricks day, Patrick is the starfish best friend of spongebob.

How cute is that!?!?


  1. personally i celebrate st squidward's day everyday by being crothchety.

  2. Logan Family est 2003March 19, 2009 at 12:42 PM

    That is way cute! :) got to love the kids understanding of things.
