Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a little touch of heaven

What would you consider a little touch of heaven? would it be your favorite candy, your favorite smell, your favorite smile or time of day? how about your favorite song or scripture? all of these could, should and are my little bits of heaven....along with my daughter singing or telling a joke and Jason and I having a fun time or just sitting quietly content with just each others company.

but would you ever consider your job a little touch of heaven? I never did! believe me, if anything I had to constantly remind myself to be nice to others and to remember I was not here to act like that. It was a constant daily struggle for me. Then I got this new job and let me tell you..the tables are completely reversed.

I work for Senior RX program, we help elderly and disabled with the cost of their medication when medicare puts them in the coverage gap. A few things have come to my attention in the short time I have been here.

One, how grateful I am to have a good paying job with great insurance. One of my duties is to input the seniors yearly income....no kidding, the other day I had to ask my boss to double check my math because there was no way what I was looking at could have possibly been correct...but it was. this man mad 9,560 a YEAR....you saw that right a YEAR. I couldn't' believe it.

Two, how much we miss being truly grateful for the little things. Some of our seniors get mighty confused and call up nervous and upset. The only thing they need help with is filling out a page on the renewal letter and it is really simple but how confusing to them it can become. We patiently go through step by step and at the end of the conversation I ofter hear what a doll I am and thank you so much. One lady told me I was a sweet soul and another man told me if he was only a few year younger...they make me smile. A lady came into the office the other day with tears in her eyes because she was embarrassed and afraid because she thought if she didn't understand the form, we would boot her out of the program. I sat down with her and helped her fill out her application, listened to her stories and made her laugh. She left, came back with a box of candies, gave me a big kiss on the cheek and told be because I was such an angel she would be able to sleep tonight.

really, how many times do you think that happened at the DMV or even in the mall I worked before that.....um NEVER! and it makes my heart ache for these poor people who really just need someone to listen to them, be patient with them and understand they are not just a shell of a person who has used up their nine lives to be disregarded, but a very special individual who has so much to teach and share and should be valued for what they have accomplished and seen. It sickens me sometimes how we treat our elderly and we are the only country who does so. So I am glad I am able to remember that and help them.

I am very happy to have the opportunity to have my job as a little touch of Heaven, to remind me why I am here and let me grow by serving my fellow men in a more worthy capacity then I have in the past. I know that sounds all mushy, but I am. Plus some of these guys and gals are such kicks in the pants. I told one of them the other day not to get feisty with me and he couldn't believe I would use such a word...now he will only talk to me when he calls because he can relate to a fellow feisty person. I love it. I just wanted to share.

1 comment:

  1. That was very sweet. I'm so glad your job is so rewarding!! I sometimes feel that way when patients leave smiling. Other times I need that reminder you just gave me to treat people like people and not problems. I'm not talking elderly, I'm talking people in general. So thanks for the reminder.

    Love ya!
