Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I have been tagged....

20 years ago I was....
1- probably making igloos in our front yard in Alaska with my dad and sister
2- Starting school.
3- eating M&M's with Deborah in the middle of the night

10 years ago I was....
1- Counting down the days I could date
2- On a trip to Europe as a Student Ambassador
3- Finally finding my nitch in high school.

5 years ago I was...
1- Newly married and car-less. :)
2- Just starting out my career working for the state after failing as school
3- Ballooning to my heaviest weight

3 years ago I was...
1- Celebrating family finishing up school
2- Learning to be a mother
3- finally finding out my passion in life….baking/cooking (and of course motherhood)
4- Started reading like my life depended on it

1 year ago I was...
1- Trying desperately to figure out how we were going to pay the bills
2- able to look at myself in the mirror and not see a fatso…still working on the rest of the weight
3- Realizing how lucky I am to have friends, family and the church in my life.
4 - became obsessed about reading

So far this year....
1- started a blog
2- taken cake decorating classes and made more and more cakes
3- read all the twighlight books in a matter of a week and a half and am awaiting the fourth book…and the movie!!!!
4- offered and accepted a new job as an Admin Assistant III for Health and Human services.
5- read ALOT of books

Yesterday I...
1- worked
2- went to the movies with Jason, double feature!
3- Said good-bye to my hunny who is leaving for the next 14-24 days.
4 - finished one book and started on another

Today I....
1- will look for a new place to live
2- start packing up my stuff to leave this job for my new one I start next week.
3- talked to Deborah on google-chat
4- Talked my my mudda (mom) on the phone.
5- texted
6- read

Tomorrow I will...
1- go to work
2- spend time with Juliet and probably red box a movie.
3- read
4- Try to blog something clever and funny….never turns out that way, but I do keep trying.

This is a tag. Deborah tagged me so I had to do it. My answers are none to exciting and I even stole some from Deborah (20 years ago). But it was fun and now I tag Mom, Grandma and Ruth. :)

Have fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. You didn't steal answers if they work for you too! And I think your answers are exciting. Probably because I know exactly what you're talking about because I was there! That is for the older ones. The more recent ones I had to hear about from a distance;)
