Friday, October 2, 2009


Patchwork is the title of the book in which I am a featured author.

I have two short stories written under a pen name and they are in as of today. I hope to pick them up later tonight.

I'm so jazzed. I'm catching up with the rest of my ever so talented family and glad they let me in and showed me the ropes.

books are available for sale, but I will also have a copy that I would be more then happy to let anyone borrow. :)

( FYI - there are other authors in the book and I do not know the integrity of their stories, but most of them should be good ones)


  1. so what is your pen name? i really want to read your stories. do you prefer author or authoress?

  2. So where are they for sale at? :) And I'm still totally jealous (in a good way) that you're a published author before me. :D

  3. :)

    My pen name is Zella Cooper

    and they are sale through me. I have to buy them 10 at a time....because tehy did a big order I only got 5 this time. Aunt Deana is the one ordering them through her publishing company.

    do you want one didder? I'm selling them for $10.00 to friends and family...haha who else am I going to sell them too. :D

    and thats funny cause I'm jealous (in a good way) that you've written an entire noval!!!!
