Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Years Goal

So there is always the typical goals...lose weight, be a better housekeeper, keep up on money management..things like that. But this year I am adding two goals that I really really hope to accomplish.

The first is to read the Book of Mormon with my hubby all the way through. I'm ashamed to say I've never read it all the way through and I think it be about time I do so! So why not do it with my best friend. :)

The second is to write in journals...yes you read that right journals. Not only mine but I'm going to start a new project. I will have a journal for each of my four children and write down things they accomplished, funny things they said or thoughts I had about them that day or week. I know it won't be a daily thing but I hope to write in each of them at least every two or three days or when the thoughts arise. :) I thought this would be a fun way for me to remember things and them to read later in life. I'm actually really excited about it!

what are some of the goals you have for this upcoming year?


  1. Those are fantastic goals!!!

    Mine are to get Abigail home and then learn to be a mother of 2. :)
