Monday, December 12, 2011


On Friday I picked up the girls, then we drove to Dean's daycare and picked him up. As we were driving to meet some of my family at McDonalds the girls sang Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer to me. They were forgetting some of the special inserts like "like a light bulb and HoHoHoHo" so I helped them out when they got stuck. After the song, here is the conversation that we had...

Bethanie: Mom how did you know all those words to the song?
Me: That song has been around for a very long time
Juliet: Ya from like the 1980's
Me wallowing in the self pity of knowing my kids officially consider me old!

It was pretty funny actually. :)


  1. I remember when we were growing up and we'd laugh because we knew that someday our kids would think we were old because we were born way back in the 1900's. That day has come. For you. I still have four or five more years until Sethers grasps that concept. :)

  2. we're so old. we weren't even born in this century, let alone this millennium. my kids like to sing that song, too. they're starting to learn all the extras for it because I too sing those parts. sometimes my kids ask me how I know things and I just tell them it's because I know everything. they just accept that answer
