Tuesday, March 18, 2008


So if anyone has met me...you have met my daughter. We are the same, we have the same sense of humor, the same uncontrollable need to push people to their limits, the same looks and attitude. In fact all my life my parents would tell me to "get that look of your face, I know what you thinking." I would, of course, give them the look that said..."ya, ok. whatever, like you would ever know what I am thinking." I gave in over the years and realized that I probably do wear my heart on my sleeve as they say because I have had several comments on how people can see what I am thinking. It wasn't until about a year ago Juliet was getting in trouble for something and I told her "look at me when I am talking to you young lady"....she turned and it hit me like a bulls eye "oh" I thought, " no wonder I got in trouble so dang much" You could totally see what she was thinking and the poor thing had no clue that it was that evident. Well about a week later we were out and about and some lady (no clue who she was, people just think they can come up and talk to your children) comes up and talks to Juliet. Well, she proceeds to talk in baby talk, like most adults do when they encounter a child - because apparently children don't understand words only babble. Juliet gives them the look "um, ok idiot, I can see I will have to talk slow to this one." then turns to me and gives me the "really? your ganna make me sit here and listen to this" look. I of course am so embarrassed I can hardly wait to scoot out of there. But like most of the adults that this has happened with, they think her looks are "adorable" an keep on walking. Phewww. one of these days one of them is going to catch on. I tell her she needs to be nice and she thinks...dang how did she know what I was thinking. "because I am a mommy and I can tell" meanwhile I am silently scolding myself because every child swears up and down they will never pull the because I am the mommy card. but we do and it works.

Well Juliet has a tendency to wrap daddy around her little finger and of course he goes willingly. They adore each other. The other day Jason had put Juliet in bed and she came back to our room for the umptinth time trying to find an excuse to stay out of bed. I have been trying to step back from being the sole discipliner and let Jason do it so she will respect both of us. So, I look at him and he tells her. " I have told you three times now, that if you got out of bed one more time you would get a spanking" she finds this somewhat amusing and just stands there. Jason was in the middle of brushing his teeth so he tries to finish up so he can follow through with his discipline. So she decides to come over and give some of her own punishment. She stand there, hands on hips and tells her daddy " you don't tell me to get a spanking....you get a spanking" and then proceeds to give her daddy three good swats on his butt. He is over the sing spitting out the remnants of his toothpaste. Meanwhile I am on the bed with my head in the pillows because I can't be caught laughing else all discipline goes out the window. I hear Jason say calmly "I don't think so, you do not spank me" and then I hear a little swatting sound and then a giggle and little feet pounding toward the bedroom. I come out of my pillow. Tears streaming down my face because I am laughing so hard and look at Jason, who in turn in biting his cheek ( that is what he does if he is thinking or trying not to laugh). I say "you handled that very well" and he says "really? because I feel like I just got spanked by a two year old".

It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. oh. a good memory I will be sure to share with her when she has a child of her own, who feels it necessary to discipline her daddy. haha.


  1. Oh my gosh! That was so funny! See, I just don't have stories like that. I loved Jason's reaction. "Really, becuase I feel like I just got spanked by a two year old." Oh man. Classic.

  2. Oh man that was the funniest story i have read in awhile...I love love loved it!!! you have admit our kids definitely are born with personality!!! it is innate....
