Thursday, June 30, 2011

hard time

Over the last year and a half, I have worked really hard to get my out of control weight down. I was actually only 25-30 pounds away from my goal weight when I got pregnant. Now I know you can't lose weight while pregnant and in fact about the only time the doctors encourage it full force. So one would think I would be all over that right? I mean I've been overweight for a very long time...why wouldn't I be ok with an excuse to not have to hard core exercise every single day and eat nothing but chicken, fish and salad? and hearing the doctors actually say "yay you gained 5 pounds...great!"

But its not like that! can I tell you I have had one of the hardest times ever accepting the scale and the off hand comments insensitive people make about getting big. I know people think its ok cause're suppose to be getting bigger. You're growing a baby for goodness sakes! I should understand that!! but no, every time someone says, even jokingly, that my butt is big or I need more room in the car, or comment on how I"m starting to waddle....its not cute.

Most of the time I can laugh it off with them, ignore it or just let it fume and then fizzle out....but sometimes, especially on a particularly emotional day or when I just dont' feel that attractive that day, it just gets to me and then I start crying and of course makes me even more angry cause I'm crying over something trivial.

I don't know why this didn't bother me as much the first time around. probably cause I was already HUGE and didn't care that I was, wasn't particularly in the mood or mind set to be healthy and hadn't worked so hard to get the weight off, so I simply didn't notice or care about the comments. I also think I'm just tired right now and this is the month where the baby doubles in size so of course I double in size and the comments come so I hear it more often. I just needed to let it out and I'm sure I"m guilty of doing it to other pregnant woman and you just simply dont' think about the effects....but I will from now on.


  1. I don't see how telling a woman her butt is getting bigger is funny under any circumstance. Ever. I think it's innappropriate and rude and you have a right to be offended. I wonder if you could make them realize that by saying something directly like, "That was a hurtful comment. It wasn't funny." or "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't give you the right to say hurtful things." Seriously, there's no excuse for that.

    I for one don't think you look like you did when you struggled with your weight. You carry it completely differently. I think you look beautiful, and so does Brian. Everyone else can fly a kite.

  2. I agree with Deborah and to me you are always beautiful no matter what, hands down.
