Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It just keeps getting better

About a year ago I took a job in Reno, I've wanted to move to Reno for a while...but having a new love and the drive to get out of Carson and away from my 'old' life was something I desperately wanted to do!!

So I applied for all the jobs I could in Reno. I finally got an interview and even though I would be taking a title downgrade (not a pay cut) I took the job to be in Reno and I love it here!!!

today we were told our office is moving to Carson. WHAT?!?! I get to commute to Carson. I'm not thrilled about this but I still have a job!! and...I will get to see my mom, siblings and friends from Carson more there is an up side. Just not excited about commuting!

Where will life take me next?


  1. lol! that'll teach you to try to get away from me! next step: move next door to ruth.

  2. You know, it kind of makes sense to "centarlize" everything to the capital. But it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't even consider their employees. Seriously. Whatever. I'm sorry you'll have to commute. That's just not fun.

  3. Ruth - funny. We are not moving back to Carson. :) but nice try!

    Didder - It somewhat makes sense, problem is most of our investigations are in we have to go to Carson, drive back to Reno to investigate, go back to Carson to clock out and then go back to Reno! luckily I don't do most of the investigating I work on the other end afterwards...but for others in the office, its just crazy.
