Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So I was called to be the RS teacher for 2nd Sunday. Ok I thought only once a month. I can handle it. so yesterday was my first go at it. I was scared out of my mind. I cried right when I got up there.....yes, from the emotion of the lesson (friendship in the church) but I think a lot of it had to do with how scared I was.

Put me on stage in front of hundreds of people and I'm good. Put me in a classroom with a few student teaching how to decorate cakes...I'm grand. Put me in front of a room full of kids....I do ok. Put me in front of a class room with about 30 adults who are waiting to be spiritually fed and I go to a babbling emotional wreck.

But thankfully, I had participants who made the lesson not only fabulous but run over too. :) I am grateful for friends who saw me struggling and helped me out.

I couldn't tell you one thing I said up there...I don't know if anyone actually got anything out of the lesson but it was nice to see smiling faces at me and not a room full of blank stares. haha.

On a different note. Today is my dads B-day...Happy Birthday Pops. You're the best!


  1. He IS the best, isn't he? What a guy.

    And I'm sure you did GREAT!! That was a hard lesson to get through without crying! I didn't make it dry-eyed. Seriously, I think you'll do great. :)

    Love ya!

  2. i thought you did great! sorry i didn't make any comments, but i think you know why.
