Tuesday, January 27, 2009

cursing and princesses

We are not allowed to curse in our house and growing up we really weren't allowed to even do the 'fake' cursing. Like freakin was a big one. My mom hates it. Of course you hear the all to well known phrase of 'you can say it when you move out' and that is exactly what I did. Freakin has to be one of my favorite 'curse' words.

Of course kids pick up everything and as such Juliet says it every once and a while. I tell her she is not allowed to say it and make a mental note not to say it around her. Now she can say oh my goodness and often uses this phrase with a wicked smile like she just got away with something.

yesterday on our daily drive from preschool to daycare she is talking to me and herself and she realizes she has an applesauce in her backpack left over from snack. She asks me if she can have it and of course I say yes. She then looks for the spoon I usually pack with it. Well either I forgot or she lost it and this is the conversation that followed:

Juliet: where's my freakin spoon.
Me: what did you say?
Juliet: where is my freakin spoon.
Me: you shouldn't say freakin its and icky word
Juliet: Oh, ok.

she thinks about it and looks back in her back pack

Juliet: well then where is my oh my goodness spoon.

haha. it was great!

then today she was talking about her great backpack with the princesses on it. Then she says

Juliet: I don't like peoples only princesses.

Me: oh does that mean you don't like me?

Juliet: no I only like talking to princesses?

Me: so you don't' like talking to mommy?

Juliet: no....I love talking to you.... (she says the next part to herself but load enough to make sure I hear) .... about princesses.

I thought ok I've just been put in my place. I am only an acceptable talking buddy if we are talking about princesses. good to know. :)