Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dean Harrison Snyder

He has arrived. He's actually been here but I've been trying to get the hang of being a new mom again, dealing with hospital visits, learning how to breast feed, entertaining guest and trying to balance my other three into the mix, not to mention deal with the baby blogging has been on the back burner. I apologize. For now I will give you the basics and of course a picture or two and then I will decide wither to do his birth adventure now or when he turns one. ;) I'll take votes if anyone cares to tell me when they would like to hear about it.

Dean Harrison Snyder was born on October 21st 2011 at 1:54pm,
He weighed 7lb 11oz and was 20 inches long,
He has olive skin and sandy blond hair. Blueish eyes (for now) and poor thing...mommies eyebrows and daddy's monkey toes.

He is a great mix of the whole family and sometimes I can't even believe he is mine.

Brian is fantastic and loves him to bits. He is over the moon about having a boy ( and I think it helps that he had him with me - excuse my big head hehe).

The girls are loving him, especially Juliet. She is constantly getting me things and helping me or just watching to see how to change a diaper or feed him or change his clothes. She says she needs to know all of this because she is going to have (depending on her mood) anywhere between 6 to 10 babies when she grows up...some from her and some adopted. Man I love that girl!
I love all my children!!! I love my family. Happened kinda fast but thats ok. One of our friends the other day mentioned how fast we did things, Got married, bought a house and then had a baby all within a short time. Brian said "we were slow finding each other so we had to catch up" I freaking love his answer.....I freaking love that man!!! I'm so glad Heavenly Father let me find him and let me have our family complete with a baby boy! We...I am truly truly blessed! I just can not put into words how much so.


  1. Maura, he's DARLING! Congratulations!!!!!!

  2. *I* want to hear the birth story. So, yeah. That's my vote.

    He is SOOOO stinking cute!!! I just want to kiss his sweet little cheeks. I love that picture of him! OH my goodness, he's so cute.

    Juliet cracks me up.

    Brian had the perfect answer. It is about time you (both) had some perfect happiness in your lives.
