Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bubba Gump Shrimp...

I get cold sores. I have since I was young, just something that happens mostly when I get sick or stressed but can pop up if I sun burn my lips or if I let them get super chapped and they peel really bad. Well chapped they got and peel they did and last night they felt bruised. I hoped and prayed that it was just them hurting from the peeling! But that was not my luck. This morning I woke up to...yes...cold sores.

Now here's the kicker. Most of the time I get them in one spot on my upper lip. Its actually a different color then the rest of my lips because its scarred so badly from all the other times its blistered there. But that spot was saved instead my whole bottom lip is one big blister. We (in my family) call this the bubba gump shrimp lip, because by the time its at its peek with the swelling I seriously look like bubba and talk like him too.

Its humorous......a month later when I'm not dying because my lip hurts and itches and looks disgusting. And right before valentines day! Ya this pretty much rocks (I hope you see that was dripping with sarcasm!)

O well whats ya ganna do right?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry! That is not fun. I've never had a cold sore, but I've seen you go through it enough times to know how painful it is. I'm sorry!
