Monday, September 20, 2010

What kind of mother do you want to be?....

When I was younger and thought of having children, never did it enter my mind to foster and/or adopt. Not that I thought there was anything wrong with it....just didn't make a conscious effort to think about it. Our family (since my younger years) has become well acquainted with adoption. My sister and brother-in-law are adoptive parents and several of my siblings are adopted children. So my children know about it, how it works and that adoptive children are loved just as much as biological children!

The following conversation happened yesterday:

Bethanie: what do you want to be when you grow up?

Breana: a mommy

Juliet: when you are a mom you have to have a baby in your tummy and the doctor has to give you a shot to get it out

Me: does that make you not want to be a mommy Juliet?

Juliet: nope I just want to be a mommy for babies that other people grow and don't Eric and baby S.

I thought it very cool that one of my daughters considers adoption a first line of child rearing. What an impact our family has had on her views. Either way she decides to be a mother I am perfectly ok with. :)

1 comment:

  1. You know, when I was younger I was pretty much obsessed with adoption. I remember doing projects on it in high school. Writing papers and everything. I knew way back then that I would be an adoptive mother. I'm not saying I hope that it'll come to that for Juliet, but if it ever does she is open minded and open hearted :)
